mandag 20. juli 2020

"Aim to live in this world without allowing the world to live inside of you, because when a boat sits on water, it sails perfectly, but when water enters inside the boat, it sinks"
- Iman Ali

When we first experience this world (dunya), we become so impressed by its’ glitter. So we love it. Then once the glitter falls away, we become disappointed, so we hate it. Eventually we grow up further and begin to see, and interact with, dunya for what it really is: Something we need not hate--nor love. Just something we need to *use*. Allah describes dunya as a 'mata'a'. Among other meanings, 'mata'a' is a resource, a tool. A tool is what you make of it. It can help you--or it can kill you. Dunya is simply the bridge you must cross to take you back Home. Who gets attached to a bridge? Don't miss the point by either loving or hating it. The focus isn't the bridge. The focus is what's on the other side!  
- Yasmin Mogahed

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